The holiday season is approaching. Just like any other family, you may be planning to visit your parents or relatives living in a faraway location. During this time, you may decide to go on a vacation with your close or extended family members. Before leaving for the vacation, you must secure your home by getting assistance from a residential locksmith in Randwick. Burglars look for opportunities to enter the home when there is no one in the home. Here are some steps that you can take to stay away from trouble.
Tips To Keep The Home Safe During Holidays
Lock Every Door Properly:
One of the most common things that you can do on occasion is to lock the doors properly. In addition to the doors, you must give special attention to your windows and other openings within the home. If the doors and windows are on the second or third floor, you need to lock them properly. Burglars can simply take help from the ladders to unlock your doors and windows when you are not inside the home. To check the integrity of locks, you can call a professional residential locksmith in Bondi.
According to the statistics, intruders mostly try to enter the home using the front or back doors. Professionals do not take a lot of time to install deadlocks. These types of locks are one of the best options to secure your home. Plus, it is also one of the most affordable options available for you.
Set a Timer:
If you set a timer for the light, it may give a sign to the burglars and intruders that there is someone inside. Therefore, they may not take the risk of entering the home. In this way, your home can stay secure during the holiday season. It does not take a lot of effort on your part, as you can set the time easily with a few simple clicks.
Install a Motion Sensor:
When there is a motion sensor in the home, it can even detect the tiniest movement within the home. Lights may turn on immediately with a motion. It is one of the best ways to scare the intruders.
Secure Your Valuables:
During the holidays, you are mostly worried about your valuable items in the home. Before going on a vacation during the holiday time, you can create a list of valuables such as electronics, jewellery, and important documents that are present in your home to keep a watch over. Utilising a storage, you can keep these valuables safe. With a bolted and fireproof system, you can get an extra layer of protection. These valuable things should be kept away from the doors and windows. As a result, it may not attract attention. On this occasion, you can consider offsite storage. If possible, you can mark these items to keep track of them better.
Have a Security System:
High-quality security systems with deadbolts, locks, and alarm systems can create a safety net against intruders. A residential Locksmith in Coogee can come to your home and install the security system to avoid issues. On this occasion, you can connect the alarm system with the local police station. If a burglar enters the home, professionals from the security services can get information instantly and take action accordingly. If you want, professionals can install security cameras at the same time.
Professionals from the Safehouse Locksmith can provide a wide range of security solutions for the home. Starting from the deadbolts to the alarm systems and CCTV cameras can be installed by the residential locksmith in Randwick. When our expert and experienced locksmiths offer services, you may feel safe and secure. If you want to know more about our security services, you can call or contact us anytime. With us, you can enjoy peace of mind, even staying away from home during the holidays.